Updated 09/03/19
EXAMPLE of Information not Forthcoming from MSM
While my family and I were always fully vaccinated ....
It is my observation, that today's speedy and automatic, 'anti-vax' branding
of anyone who brings up considered-reasonable questions about vaccine
safety and effectiveness,
is effectively promoting Big Interest 'astroturf' for distracting our public
from all the alarms being sounded by dozens of concerned whistle blowers
across many professions;
risking -- and often losing -- their own reputations and careers to expose
the perceived rampant, dangerous, and often blatant science fraud driven
by unchecked corporate greed and corruption.
I became a 'Vaccine Awareness Advocator' after my research turned up several
areas of serious concern which do not appear to me, to support those oft-quoted
adages by heavily-interest-conflicted Big Pharma / CDC: "the science is settled"
and "vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and effective".
Examples of researched concerns ....
"Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps
vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit"
"According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 --
a complaint which has just now been unsealed — vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly
falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies,
sold a vaccine that actually promoted mumps and measles outbreaks, and ripped off
governments and consumers who bought the vaccine thinking it was “95% effective.”
See that False Claims Act document at:
About NaturalNews: https://www.naturalnews.com/About.html
Debunking Bad Science:
What Doctors Know Now:
Follow the Money ....
"Why, suddenly, the "Big Push"?
March, 2019
About The Bolen Report: http://bolenreport.com/about-the-bolenreport/
Our public appears generally unaware of steadily mounting evidence that the
US immunization program has been badly broken for well over two decades .....
Under the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP),
nearly four billion taxpayer dollars have been paid to the vaccine
injured families who became aware of VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System) --
many eligible candidates miss out because they do not know that this
taxpayer-based compensation is their only recourse (Pharma is immune
from liability, per 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act), and / or,
they wrongly assumed their doctor handled required reporting.
"If the numbers from VAERS and HHS are correct – only 1% of
vaccine injuries are reported and only 1/3 of the petitions are
compensated – then up to 99% of vaccine injuries go unreported
and the families of the vast majority of people injured by vaccines are
picking up the costs, once again, for vaccine maker’s flawed products."
About HealthImpactNews: http://healthimpactnews.com/about-health-impact-news/
Vaccine Injury Recovery:
Despite ongoing CDC and Pharma adamant claims
of 'overwhelming safety' for all vaccinations ....
Disturbing discoveries expose a shocking absence
of valid research to support those marketing mantras.
Including ....
A standard disclaimer on nearly all mfg. vaccine package inserts,
indicates several, potentially serious safety issues for all of us,
conceivably particularly alarming for all would-be parents ....
given, the included package lists of several confirmed infertility, neurotoxin,
and carcinogenic vaccine ingredients:
"This product has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic,
mutagenic, or infertility potential".
Find vaccine package inserts here: http://vactruth.com/vaccine-inserts/
About VacTruth: http://vactruth.com/about/
"Vaccine safety has been completely compromised"
Exposed Corruption at CDC:
"Twenty very good reasons why we need a vaccine safety commission":
About Celina Trevino: https://bolenreport.com/celina-trevino-d-o-m-t-p-can-c-m-t/
"12 Potentially Disastrous Factors for US Vaccine Program Suggest a Perfect Storm"
About Neuroscientist Janet Kern, PhD: http://bolenreport.com/janet-kern-phd/
NOTE -- these are repaired broken links for footnote references in above report:
[ 2] https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/the-worldwide-paediatric-vaccine-market-is-projected-to-be-valued-at-us-8814-bn-by-the-end-of-2026-2017-05-02
[ 3] https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf
[10] https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/04/09/dirty-vaccines-new-study-reveals-prevalence-of-contaminants/
[16] https://www.mcall.com/news/watchdog/mc-sanofi-pasteur-defective-vaccine-vials-20161210-story.html
See DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS: https://www.dissolvingillusions.com/
January, 2019
"The ‘science is settled’ vaccine narrative
is now effectively dead in the water."
"It was in July 2018 that the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
settled a court-ordered stipulation admitting that they could not produce 30 years
of required evidence showing they have made improvements in the manufacturing,
testing, warning, field surveillance, adverse reaction reporting and research on
vaccines in order to reduce the risk of adverse reactions as mandated by the
1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (1986 Act)."
January, 2019
About Jefferey Jaxen: http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/about.html
The 21st Century Cures Act REMOVED requirements for companies to conduct large,
case controlled clinical trials on vaccines (biologicals) to evaluate safety and effectiveness.
The public has effectively become guinea pig territory for an extremely lucrative,
vaccine-liability-free Pharma anticipating 250 new vaccines in the pipeline while
fast-tracking mandated inoculations for all ages:
About NVIC (National Vaccination Information Center: http://www.nvic.org/about.aspx
Evidence of Safety and Efficacy?
DOES Vaccination = Immunization?
Meanwhile, the CDC recommended-mandated childhood schedule
has QUADRUPLED to include at least 56 injections of 73 doses of 30
different vaccines ...
with up to 8 or more shots beginning on first day of birth --
including tiny preemies;
adult-size doses are used regardless of child's age or body weight.
"NO SAFETY TESTING has been established --
this is a giant guessing game, and it is very dangerous...."
October 18, 2018
"The Vaccine Safety Project"
About Del Bigtree: https://www.icandecide.org/team/
"Government's broken contract with parents..."
About NVIC (National Vaccination Information Center: http://www.nvic.org/about.aspx
The good news ....
PHARMA is not our only serious disease protection option:
Several other countries have repeatedly demonstrated that it is possible
to gain true, lifelong immunization against serious disease today, by using
research-confirmed, more effective, safer, and typically far less expensive,
'vaccines' .....
than those mandated by our profit-driven, interest-conflicted, reportedly-
corrupted-on-all-levels, Pharma and CDC who were granted complete immunity
by the 1986 Act from any harm caused by their pronounced, "unavoidably unsafe"
vaccine products.
See Vaccination Alternatives:
Bottom Line ....
Hanging on to our human right to have informed medical consent -- and
fighting against all Pharma-fast-tracked legislation so intent on taking this
ability away from us regarding the 250 brand new vaccines coming down
an astonishingly lucrative, 'unavoidably unsafe', 100% liability free, fast-
tracked developmental pipeline encompassing ALL ages while allowing
NO exceptions or exemptions --
when there are OTHER, research-confirmed-for decades, faster, safer, more
effective, and typically far less expensive, NON-Pharma immunization sources --
has become more important than ever for all of us .... and this is what drives
much of my own research today.
California was the first state to lose this crucial human right,
after legislators passed SB277 in 2015 despite enormous public protest and
the below, cautionary letter to CA senators from legal scholar Mary Holland:
About Mary Holland:
https://its.law.nyu.edu/facultyprofiles index.cfm?fuseaction=profile.overview& personid=20675
After a state legislature mandates Pharma vaccines via laws such as SB277 in California,
it will not be possible to conduct comparison studies regarding long term health results
between non-vaccinated versus Pharma-vaccinated, in order to confirm that a Pharma
vaccine is in FACT 'overwhelmingly safe and effective';
US does not allow neutral population vaccine research control groups for "ethical reasons".
-- Such studies in other countries have raised red flags consistently ignored by our MSM.
Comparing Vaccinated to Non-Vaccinated:
End of MSM-Blacked-Out-Topic Example
It is my observation, that today's speedy and automatic, 'anti-vax' branding
of anyone who brings up considered-reasonable questions about vaccine
safety and effectiveness,
is effectively promoting Big Interest 'astroturf' for distracting our public
from all the alarms being sounded by dozens of concerned whistle blowers
across many professions;
risking -- and often losing -- their own reputations and careers to expose
the perceived rampant, dangerous, and often blatant science fraud driven
by unchecked corporate greed and corruption.
I became a 'Vaccine Awareness Advocator' after my research turned up several
areas of serious concern which do not appear to me, to support those oft-quoted
adages by heavily-interest-conflicted Big Pharma / CDC: "the science is settled"
and "vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and effective".
Examples of researched concerns ....
"Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps
vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit"
"According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 --
a complaint which has just now been unsealed — vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly
falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies,
sold a vaccine that actually promoted mumps and measles outbreaks, and ripped off
governments and consumers who bought the vaccine thinking it was “95% effective.”
See that False Claims Act document at:
About NaturalNews: https://www.naturalnews.com/About.html
Debunking Bad Science:
What Doctors Know Now:
Follow the Money ....
"Why, suddenly, the "Big Push"?
March, 2019
About The Bolen Report: http://bolenreport.com/about-the-bolenreport/
Our public appears generally unaware of steadily mounting evidence that the
US immunization program has been badly broken for well over two decades .....
Under the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP),
nearly four billion taxpayer dollars have been paid to the vaccine
injured families who became aware of VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System) --
many eligible candidates miss out because they do not know that this
taxpayer-based compensation is their only recourse (Pharma is immune
from liability, per 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act), and / or,
they wrongly assumed their doctor handled required reporting.
"If the numbers from VAERS and HHS are correct – only 1% of
vaccine injuries are reported and only 1/3 of the petitions are
compensated – then up to 99% of vaccine injuries go unreported
and the families of the vast majority of people injured by vaccines are
picking up the costs, once again, for vaccine maker’s flawed products."
About HealthImpactNews: http://healthimpactnews.com/about-health-impact-news/
Vaccine Injury Recovery:
Despite ongoing CDC and Pharma adamant claims
of 'overwhelming safety' for all vaccinations ....
Disturbing discoveries expose a shocking absence
of valid research to support those marketing mantras.
Including ....
A standard disclaimer on nearly all mfg. vaccine package inserts,
indicates several, potentially serious safety issues for all of us,
conceivably particularly alarming for all would-be parents ....
given, the included package lists of several confirmed infertility, neurotoxin,
and carcinogenic vaccine ingredients:
"This product has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic,
mutagenic, or infertility potential".
Find vaccine package inserts here: http://vactruth.com/vaccine-inserts/
About VacTruth: http://vactruth.com/about/
"Vaccine safety has been completely compromised"
Exposed Corruption at CDC:
"Twenty very good reasons why we need a vaccine safety commission":
About Celina Trevino: https://bolenreport.com/celina-trevino-d-o-m-t-p-can-c-m-t/
"12 Potentially Disastrous Factors for US Vaccine Program Suggest a Perfect Storm"
About Neuroscientist Janet Kern, PhD: http://bolenreport.com/janet-kern-phd/
NOTE -- these are repaired broken links for footnote references in above report:
[ 2] https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/the-worldwide-paediatric-vaccine-market-is-projected-to-be-valued-at-us-8814-bn-by-the-end-of-2026-2017-05-02
[ 3] https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf
[10] https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/04/09/dirty-vaccines-new-study-reveals-prevalence-of-contaminants/
[16] https://www.mcall.com/news/watchdog/mc-sanofi-pasteur-defective-vaccine-vials-20161210-story.html
See DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS: https://www.dissolvingillusions.com/
January, 2019
"The ‘science is settled’ vaccine narrative
is now effectively dead in the water."
"It was in July 2018 that the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
settled a court-ordered stipulation admitting that they could not produce 30 years
of required evidence showing they have made improvements in the manufacturing,
testing, warning, field surveillance, adverse reaction reporting and research on
vaccines in order to reduce the risk of adverse reactions as mandated by the
1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (1986 Act)."
January, 2019
About Jefferey Jaxen: http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/about.html
The 21st Century Cures Act REMOVED requirements for companies to conduct large,
case controlled clinical trials on vaccines (biologicals) to evaluate safety and effectiveness.
The public has effectively become guinea pig territory for an extremely lucrative,
vaccine-liability-free Pharma anticipating 250 new vaccines in the pipeline while
fast-tracking mandated inoculations for all ages:
About NVIC (National Vaccination Information Center: http://www.nvic.org/about.aspx
Evidence of Safety and Efficacy?
DOES Vaccination = Immunization?
Meanwhile, the CDC recommended-mandated childhood schedule
has QUADRUPLED to include at least 56 injections of 73 doses of 30
different vaccines ...
with up to 8 or more shots beginning on first day of birth --
including tiny preemies;
adult-size doses are used regardless of child's age or body weight.
"NO SAFETY TESTING has been established --
this is a giant guessing game, and it is very dangerous...."
October 18, 2018
"The Vaccine Safety Project"
About Del Bigtree: https://www.icandecide.org/team/
"Government's broken contract with parents..."
About NVIC (National Vaccination Information Center: http://www.nvic.org/about.aspx
The good news ....
PHARMA is not our only serious disease protection option:
Several other countries have repeatedly demonstrated that it is possible
to gain true, lifelong immunization against serious disease today, by using
research-confirmed, more effective, safer, and typically far less expensive,
'vaccines' .....
than those mandated by our profit-driven, interest-conflicted, reportedly-
corrupted-on-all-levels, Pharma and CDC who were granted complete immunity
by the 1986 Act from any harm caused by their pronounced, "unavoidably unsafe"
vaccine products.
See Vaccination Alternatives:
Bottom Line ....
Hanging on to our human right to have informed medical consent -- and
fighting against all Pharma-fast-tracked legislation so intent on taking this
ability away from us regarding the 250 brand new vaccines coming down
an astonishingly lucrative, 'unavoidably unsafe', 100% liability free, fast-
tracked developmental pipeline encompassing ALL ages while allowing
NO exceptions or exemptions --
when there are OTHER, research-confirmed-for decades, faster, safer, more
effective, and typically far less expensive, NON-Pharma immunization sources --
has become more important than ever for all of us .... and this is what drives
much of my own research today.
California was the first state to lose this crucial human right,
after legislators passed SB277 in 2015 despite enormous public protest and
the below, cautionary letter to CA senators from legal scholar Mary Holland:
About Mary Holland:
https://its.law.nyu.edu/facultyprofiles index.cfm?fuseaction=profile.overview& personid=20675
After a state legislature mandates Pharma vaccines via laws such as SB277 in California,
it will not be possible to conduct comparison studies regarding long term health results
between non-vaccinated versus Pharma-vaccinated, in order to confirm that a Pharma
vaccine is in FACT 'overwhelmingly safe and effective';
US does not allow neutral population vaccine research control groups for "ethical reasons".
-- Such studies in other countries have raised red flags consistently ignored by our MSM.
Comparing Vaccinated to Non-Vaccinated:
End of MSM-Blacked-Out-Topic Example