"Traumatic stress has been with us for as long as we've been a species.
I believe EFT to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in psychology and medicine in a century."
-- Dawson Church, PhD
I believe EFT to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in psychology and medicine in a century."
-- Dawson Church, PhD
Updated 09/10/20
"EFT -- The Ultimate Stress Tool -- Is Therapy Facing a Revolution?"
"Dr. Peta Stapleton has led the Australian research into Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
or ‘tapping’, which is used to treat a number of conditions including chronic pain, obesity, anxiety and
Dr Peta Stapleton has 20 years experience as a registered Clinical and Health Psychologist in
Queensland and has been awarded many honours including the Australian Psychological Society
Elaine Dignan Award for research into women’s issues, and the 2014 Harvey Baker Award for
excellence in Energy Medicine Research. "
"Research has demonstrated that just one hour of 'tapping' on a few, key acupuncture pressure
points can very quickly, PERMANENTLY change our brain pathways, and 72 DNA gene
expressions .... !!"
WATCH Dr. Peta Stapleton describe EFT on this TEDx Talk:
(16 minutes)
Explore independent, worldwide EFT research and every day applications:
Learn how quickly our unhealthy stress emotions can be
banished for good ..... (depression, anxiety, pain, PTSD)
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is sometimes referred to as 'Tapping' or 'needle-less acupuncture' .... -- It's measurable: tapping reduces the body's stress hormones. https://www.thetappingsolution.com/blog/measurable-tapping-reduces-bodys-stress-hormones/ -- Results are often immediate, and permanent. "...The 5 highest-traffic EFT web sites have over 2 million page views a month. EFT Universe reaches over 10 million people a year through the web site, news releases, books, social media, talk radio shows, training and certification." "The EFT case histories on this site show that the results are often immediate, and last over time." http://www.eftuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18&Itemid=21 WHY we should all give this a try ..... How Stress Affects Our Body "Chronic stress can have serious health consequences, including weight gain, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It may also trigger heart attack and the onset of dementia.." April, 2016 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/04/10/how-stress-affects-body.aspx About Dr. Joseph Mercola: http://www.mercola.com/forms/background.htm#pub "Stress is the Cause of Every Disease" "Emotional stressors can be from work, relationships, family, financial troubles and more. These all activate your body’s stress response and negatively affect your health...." http://www.extremehealthradio.com/ep-561-dr-john-bergman-in-studio-is-stress-the-cause-of-all-disease-heres-how-to-eliminate-the-3-main-stressors-affecting-your-health/ About Dr. John Bergman: https://www.drjohnbergman.com/about/ EFT Beginnings: EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was developed in the 1990s by Gary Craig, a Stanford engineering graduate specializing in healing and self-improvement. It’s akin to acupuncture, which is based on the concept that a vital energy flows through our body along invisible pathways known as meridians. -- Gary Craig retired in June 2010, releasing EFT into the public domain: http://www.thrivingnow.com/gary-craig/ The EFT Universe community was founded in 2010 by Dawson Church, PhD. His best seller, The Genie in Your Genes, was hailed as a breakthrough in the field of Epigenetics*. https://smile.amazon.com/Genie-Your-Genes-Epigenetic-Intention/dp/1604152435/ "Traumatic stress has been with us for as long as we've been a species. I believe EFT to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in psychology and medicine in a century." About Dawson Church: http://dawsonchurch.com/vitae/ *Epigenetics defined: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/04/090401181447.htm Quick Start for basic EFT CAUTION: See the, "Be aware of EFT limitations" footnote on this page; address serious health symptoms such as PTSD with a certified EFT practitioner. EFT Tapping Point "HOW TO" Video by Dawson Church https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZDjAhuo_6Y&feature=youtu.be (8 minutes) About Dawson Church: http://dawsonchurch.com/vitae/ Demo and Tips: http://ourimaginalcells.info/quick-start-demo-and-tips.html The Tapping Solution -- Tapping 101 https://www.thetappingsolution.com/tapping-101/ Big Developments ... KAISER Permanente Journal publishes EFT guidelines: July, 2017 "Emotional Freedom Techniques to Treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans: Review of the Evidence, Survey of Practitioners, and Proposed Clinical Guidelines." It recommends 10 treatment sessions, though half that number is often enough to eliminate symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares and hypervigilance (Church, Stern, Boath, Stewart, Feinstein, & Clond, 2017). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28678690 Veterans Administration Approves EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Treatment: July 31, 2017 "Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been approved as a “generally safe” therapy by the US Veterans Administration (VA). After reviewing the extensive evidence for the safety and efficacy of EFT, a group of experts in the VAs Integrative Health Coordinating Center published a statement approving EFT and several other complementary and integrative health (CIH) practices. The approval means that VA therapists will be able to use EFT with their clients suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, pain and other conditions." July 31, 2017 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/veterans-administration-approves-eft-emotional-freedom_us_597fc82ee4b0cb4fc1c73be2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Of the 2.4 million Americans deployed in the recent Middle East wars, an estimated 30% have returned with PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). That’s in addition to the 479,000 Vietnam veterans that the Veterans Administration has diagnosed with PTSD..." The estimated life-time cost for “treatment as usual” PTSD care = 1.4 million dollars per veteran. The social cost is incalculable.... If you are a veteran looking for help, click here to find an EFT coach in your area now: https://stressproject.org/find-help/practitioners-in-your-area/ "This research shows that 8 out of 10 veterans who come to this site for help, and complete 6 one-hour EFT sessions, no longer test positive for PTSD. They get better, and stay better over time...." http://ourimaginalcells.info/using-eft-for-ptsd.html @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ LISTEN to Dr. Dawson Church keynote speech at the Veterans, Trauma and Treatment Conference: "A World Without PTSD" Average EFT session time = 6 hours for permanent relief; "life-changing", no relapse, no more meds. https://s3.amazonaws.com/vet-stress-project/A_World_Without_PTSD_Dawson_Church.mp3 Hearings in Congress for using EFT to support veterans http://www.eftuniverse.com/eft-related-press-releases/eft-hearings-in-congress http://www.eftuniverse.com/research-studies/congressman-mike-thompson-supports-eft-for-veterans @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Exciting Scientific Discoveries: We've known for many years THAT this technique works .... we just didn't know HOW. Confirmed: EFT has a direct action on our genes .... !!! ".....Last week, another milestone in the scientific study of energy psychology was reached when a meta- analysis of EFT studies was published." The title of the article is “The efficacy of acupoint stimulation in the treatment of psychological distress: A meta-analysis”. "A meta-analysis is an analysis of multiple studies. The authors, Gilomen and Lee (2015) looked at all of the major studies using energy psychology protocols with acupoint stimulation (i.e., EFT and TFT)." "Meta-analysis of energy psychology studies finds methods have a real effect!" June, 2015 https://acepblog.org/2015/06/12/meta-analysis-of-energy-psychology-studies-finds-energy-psychology-has-a-real-effect/ About ACEP: https://acepblog.org/about/ ”The post test effect size for EFT... was larger than that measured in meta-analyses of antidepressant drug trials and psychotherapy studies” (Nelms & Castel, 2016).” Watch Dawson Church interview discussing this milestone: Epigenetics and Energy Psychology March, 2016 https://acepblog.org/2016/03/31/epigenetics-and-energy-psychology/ (12 minutes) About Dawson Church: http://dawsonchurch.com/vitae/ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH LIBRARY: "The results of all the published studies listed here are statistically significant.... Many of them are randomized controlled trials or RCTs, a design generally regarded as the Gold Standard of research. EFT has met the APA standards as an "efficacious" treatment for phobias, anxiety, depression, and PTSD." http://www.eftuniverse.com/research-studies/eft-research EFT IN THE NEWS: Here are links to dozens of confirmed success stories in magazines, newspapers, TV shows, and web portals ... http://www.eftuniverse.com/eft-related-press-releases/news-about-eft-tapping FAQ -- Frequently asked Questions: http://www.eftuniverse.com/faqs/about-eft-tapping-and-this-site Use EFT site's Search Box: http://www.eftuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_search&view=search&Itemid=2331 |
If you need to explain EFT to a physician, therapist, professor,
or someone with a scientific background: You'll find summaries, and in many cases the full text, of all studies at this link; updated regularly as new research is published: http://www.eftuniverse.com/research-studies/eft-research About eftuniverse: http://www.eftuniverse.com/faqs/about-eft-tapping-and-this-site How to find certified EFT practitioners: Tapping Solution EFT Practitioner Directory www.thetappingsolution.com/eft-practitioners EFT Universe Practitioner Directory http://www.eftuniverse.com/certified-eft-practitioners/advanced-search/ For those interested in becoming EFT practitioners: Legal Considerations in Marketing Your EFT Practice By Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, DC http://www.eftuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11988&utm_source=newsletter_993&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=turn-your-passion-for-healing-into-a-real-business-eftuniverse-weekly-eft-insights |
CAUTION -- Be aware of EFT limitations:
"EFT can often provide substantial relief with little or no emotional pain. This is not true for everyone, however.
Psychological trauma can be intense and emotionally painful to deal with.
If you have long-lasting or intense emotional or physical trauma it is essential that you consult your physician
or licensed mental health practitioner before using EFT or any other stress-reduction method.
EFT is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment. Please share your experiences with EFT with
your healthcare providers."
This topic is attacked heavily by Big Interests who fear significant loses whenever our public finds self-help.
"ACEP Responds to Wikipedia Rail Against Holistic Practitioners":
".....Users typically believe that what they read on Wikipedia can be trusted.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for those pages that relate to energy medicine,
energy psychology (including Emotional Freedom Techniques & Thought Field
Therapy), and other holistic approaches to healing."
"There is an increasing body of peer-reviewed research regarding energy psychology that has been published
in mainstream scientific journals. But the pages of Wikipedia have repeatedly been overwritten to ignore any
reference to these scientific findings.
The content is controlled by a very small cadre of self-proclaimed skeptics who flagrantly disregard all
research and commentary that doesn’t fit their own point of view..."
About ACEP: https://acepblog.org/about-this-blog/
"EFT can often provide substantial relief with little or no emotional pain. This is not true for everyone, however.
Psychological trauma can be intense and emotionally painful to deal with.
If you have long-lasting or intense emotional or physical trauma it is essential that you consult your physician
or licensed mental health practitioner before using EFT or any other stress-reduction method.
EFT is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment. Please share your experiences with EFT with
your healthcare providers."
This topic is attacked heavily by Big Interests who fear significant loses whenever our public finds self-help.
"ACEP Responds to Wikipedia Rail Against Holistic Practitioners":
".....Users typically believe that what they read on Wikipedia can be trusted.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for those pages that relate to energy medicine,
energy psychology (including Emotional Freedom Techniques & Thought Field
Therapy), and other holistic approaches to healing."
"There is an increasing body of peer-reviewed research regarding energy psychology that has been published
in mainstream scientific journals. But the pages of Wikipedia have repeatedly been overwritten to ignore any
reference to these scientific findings.
The content is controlled by a very small cadre of self-proclaimed skeptics who flagrantly disregard all
research and commentary that doesn’t fit their own point of view..."
About ACEP: https://acepblog.org/about-this-blog/
Be sure to explore this topic's drop down menu :-)