"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
-- Dr. Seuss
because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
-- Dr. Seuss
Updated 07/19/20
ABOUT this web site ....
www.OurImaginalCells.info was created as a protected Internet resource
for my grandkids, and it grew up along with them :-). See My Imaginal Gallery: http://ourimaginalcells.info/my-imaginal-gallery.html These days, my intent is to pass along credible Internet web links to information which may be ignored or even blacked out by mainstream media. The web links I post typically come from reputable Internet newsletters published by independent, professional web sites exploring fully-referenced research. See Fake News Epidemic: https://ourimaginalcells.info/fake-news-epidemic.html I try not to post web links to articles lacking appropriate references. I also make it a practice to include an ABOUT web link for the author or source of each article, to help readers judge content credibility, etc.. In the interest of helping others learn self-empowerment for personal well-being, I suggest sharing and discussing the information on these posted web links with those you trust and respect .... If the topic has any relevance to your community, consider joining or creating a Yahoo or Google forum to share and gain other perspectives. I encourage doing even more research -- particularly on controversial issues; ask more questions; evaluate the logic compelling today's mainstream media reports, and ALWAYS consider the source; be aware of potential astroturfing by Big Interests, even on alternative news sites. Dismiss articles without source references; check for possible conflicts of interest.* Ask yourself what any authors may have to gain, or lose, from publishing their findings. -- BE AWARE that those who contest today's EPA, AMA, CDC, FDA and Big Pharma claims, generally do so while knowing full well that they risk unfair defamation attacks and ultimate loss of career; some have even had the lives of their families threatened. See Corrupted Agencies https://ourimaginalcells.info/corrupted-agencies.html Then, come to your own conclusions ..... before there may no longer be a choice. * Here are collections of web links to help identify news sources which may have been manipulated by Big Interests taking advantage of public ignorance: Ways to Identify Manipulated News http://ourimaginalcells.info/ways-to-identify-manipulated-news.html When Ignorance is Not Bliss -- Astroturfed News http://ourimaginalcells.info/when-ignorance-is-not-bliss----astroturfed-news.html Alternative News Platforms https://ourimaginalcells.info/alternative-news-sources.html “Whether you are a Democrat or Republican – or someone who does not care at all about politics .... it is hard not to notice the massive campaigns to influence opinion in social media, the news and out there in real life." "Those trying to persuade and manipulate are playing hardball. And, in many instances, we are falling for it: they plop the ball in the middle of a frenzied crowd, nobody sees exactly who dropped it, and we in the news and the public pick it up and run. We're being played.” The above excerpt is from “Astroturf Epidemic” by Sharyl Attkisson, 5-time Emmy Award winning Investigative Journalist: https://sharylattkisson.com/astroturf-epidemic/ About Sharyl Attkisson: https://sharylattkisson.com/about/ My web site content is generally in a state of flux -- please keep checking back on any topics of interest. Broken links can happen for a variety of reasons, including other web page redesign or termination, authored link relocation, security issues, or possible Big Interest censorship .... I'd appreciate hearing about dropped links so I can redirect or offer similar sources. The "Updated " box at top left corner of each web page reflects most recent change. Use keywords or phrases in "Search this Site" box at the top right corner of each page to find researched or referenced topics. Please note my web site disclaimer at the foot of each page -- includes web contact email address. |
If asked to put a label on my own endeavors these days it might be something like, "Investigative Reporter for MSM (mainstream media) Blacked-Out News of the Day". |
I've always been somewhat of a cynic, compelled to travel very cautiously 'through the looking glass', checking out the sources for the sources of the sources, of all new information I consider for passing along to (hopefully) benefit others. According to 'Keirsey Temperament Sorter', I'm a Rational Mastermind (INTJ); Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging = 'introverted intuition with extroverted thinking'. |
About Keirsey: http://keirsey.com/aboutkts2.aspx EDUCATION: I followed the BS curriculum at Michigan State University for over three years, pursuing majors in English and Mathematics / Statistical Analysis plus a smattering of chemistry and physics. (I met my husband of 33 years and soul mate on a phone call dare by his campus roommate; Tom proposed after six weeks and we married the following year. My only regret is not getting another 33 years....) After the Vietnam episode interrupted our education and we moved to California, I wrapped up my remaining degree electives at SJU while working on a first-of-its-kind project for the City of San Jose: writing "machine language" programs to study the effects of traffic light signals mechanically controlled by an IBM 1800 computer located in a small building down the street from university. CAREER: Those who have seen "Hidden Figures" may understand my little twinge of deja vu. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Figures As a female, my job title at Aerospace in the 60's was 'Computress'; males who performed the same work at significantly higher pay were 'Computer Programmers'. I was also the only woman in a large department of male engineers. -- I had been hired by a Senior Staff Scientist assigned to the Minuteman program. Initially, he'd required a math assistant, but after MIS repeatedly put his project's computer needs on a back burner, he asked me to learn how to program in Fortran. I'd never even seen a computer before. In 1966 our IBM 360 took up the entire second floor of the Aerospace branch in San Bernardino. There were no programming classes; the local library offered only a small, 4 x 6-inch, bright green manual titled, 'Fortran for Engineers' -- which, just as in this movie, I was compelled to keep for myself. (I'd actually planned to be an engineer like my father before me, but, despite grades higher than anyone else in that high school's science program, my female adviser blocked this career option -- revealing "off the record", that there were male professors who automatically flunked all non-male engineering candidates. Fortunately, times have changed!) But, now the computer programming hook had been cast, and I felt I'd found my true niche. Unlike some experiences of the women in that historical movie, at the end of a challenging three-year research project my personal efforts were acknowledged on Dr. Leendert DeWitte's published thesis: "Rapid Near-Optimal Solution of Very Large Traveling Salesman Problems" ..... which coincidentally appeared to resemble an algorithm for missile attack scatter patterns. -- This published research acknowledgement had ignored current Aerospace project protocol at Dr. DeWitte's insistence, and was my Shining Moment in 1968: "The author is indebted to Mrs. Judy Milhon for the excellent work in programming the algorithm for the BIB-7094, IBM-360, and CDC-6600 computers." See profile 'Dr. Leendert De Witte, space scientist and humanitarian' : (scroll to mid-page) https://ourimaginalcells.info/my-imaginal-gallery.html Over the years I worked for many Silicon Valley start-ups, eventually contracting independently as 'programmer systems analyst'. When one grand kid asked about my past, I tossed in a bit of trivia, thinking to impress: "One of my big project meetings was at Apple Computers where I shook Steve Job's hand." The response, "Steve who?" was a tad deflating ;-). |
ADVOCATE: Alternative Health Approaches
I'd never given much thought to alternative health issues before my husband Tom died in 1998 from the results of DNA damage due to his Agent Orange exposure while serving in the Air Force at Da Nang, Vietnam, 1968-1969. "What is Agent Orange?" https://www.aspeninstitute.org/programs/agent-orange-in-vietnam-program/what-is-agent-orange/ About The Aspen Institute: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/about/ As his 24/7 caregiver, I received MA (medical assistant) training during the four years Tom was invalided from NHL cancer of the stomach, liver, and brain (he often had dementia, and was generally dependent on others for most needs). I researched every venue I could find to try to help him; unfortunately, the Internet was only beginning to provide answers in the mid-90's. At the time, doctors ventured no opinions on what may have triggered this Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, and it was never suggested to us, to try to improve Tom's quality of life -- if not effect full recovery, by integrating conventional chemo and radiation treatments with natural supplements used successfully by other cultures for centuries. It was not until 2005, that Tom posthumously received a formal, White House Commendation for his 1966 - 1972 Air Force service, officially recognizing 1998 demise from Agent Orange DNA damage: ".... Awarded by a grateful nation in recognition of devoted and selfless consecration to the service of our country in the Armed Forces of the United States" . Agent Orange exposure had finally been recognized as a service-related death -- PROVIDED, the death certificate indicated at least one cancer on a list of 15 (this list continues to grow*), AND, the veteran's discharge papers indicated spending at least one day anywhere in Vietnam, regardless of what he actually did there. *Veterans' Diseases Currently Associated with Agent Orange: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/conditions/index.asp About VA: https://www.va.gov/landing2_about.htm NOTE: There were many OTHER locations exposed to this deadly toxin, INCLUDING SEVERAL US STATES -- and, it persists for many miles beyond those US sites even today: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/tests-storage/usa.asp https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/tests-storage/outside-vietnam.asp https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/index.asp http://www.cbs5az.com/story/14906593/valley-veteran-blows-whistle-on-burial-of-agent-orange About AZ Family: https://www.azfamily.com/site/ Tom had served in the Air Force at Da Nang, Vietnam for regular 12-month term, 1968 -1969 .... -- Within five years of returning to the US, nearly every joint in my previously, exceptionally healthy spouse had come under painful and debilitating attack; ultimately there was a diagnosis of 'severe RA', but doctors still seemed at a loss to explain what was going on. Tom's quality of life steadily diminished until becoming invalided in 1995; belatedly diagnosed with stage-4 NHL (non-Hodgkins lymphoma). As our finances went up in smoke from missed work / lost health insurance, and seemingly never-ending medical expenses .... we nearly lost our home and all savings, the VA remained adamant, that there was absolutely no connection between Tom's life-threatening health predicament and his 1968-69 AO exposure at DaNang, Vietnam. After the VA finally acknowledged the truth: -- The monthly military DIC compensation finally granted to myself in 2005, seven years after Tom's passing, is now up to $1340.14 ... the same for all AO widows with no dependents; annual DIC increase = social security inflation rate. Compensation was not retroactive to date of death, let alone the 1995 NHL cancer diagnosis; there was no financial help for nearly four years of 24/7 care-giving and lost employment / careers / health benefits for both of us ..... -- Social workers had routinely suggested, that I save our house and resolve this medically-induced financial quagmire by formally divorcing Tom -- The caveat being, that I would not be able to care for, or regularly visit Tom in any nursing home or hospital, lest our divorce be claimed fraudulent to try to avoid taxes. I was also cautioned that the house could be more difficult to sell if anyone actually died there ('the sooner he relocates, the better') .... .... My husband Tom died in hospice on 11/21/98 in our home of 30 years. I had no problem selling in 2000, but that sale plus his life insurance barely covered debts, and my now, 'over 50' status was not welcome in the 90's downsizing job market. I also learned that I would not qualify for any SS widow benefits until age 60 -- seven years later -- even though we had both paid into SS for nearly four decades. This is called the Social Security 'Widow's Gap' ..... PRESENCE FOR JUST ONE DAY .... ANYWHERE .... NO MATTER, WHAT HE DID .... ???? This shocking, long-overdue qualification for service-related death benefits -- officially acknowledged by our government as an indication of severe DNA damage culminating in death up to several decades after a single exposure event, was my signal to check out the whole scenario .... aided by much-improved Internet access in early 2000s. |
I gradually discovered, that our government had been
blatantly lying and stonewalling the public for over four decades, regarding devastating facts .... known ever since the mid-50's, about TCDD dioxen dangers now impacting hundreds of thousands of lives and future generations in unthinkable ways. "Agent Orange, Herbs, and TCDD Explained" https://www.hillandponton.com/agent-orange-herbicides-tcdd-explained/ About Hilland Ponton: https://www.hillandponton.com/about-us/ "However, veterans were told that AO herbicide exposure caused only a temporary skin rash, and accused of malingering after getting sick, or called 'freeloaders' for using VA disability benefits." "Frustrated vets summarize the VA’s position this way: 'Delay, deny, wait till I die.' ” December, 2016 https://www.propublica.org/article/rethinking-the-cost-of-war https://www.propublica.org/article/propublica-files-lawsuit-seeking-va-correspondence-related-to-agent-orange https://www.propublica.org/series/reliving-agent-orange About ProPublica: https://www.propublica.org/about/ |
I learned, that thousands of scientists had warned our top
government officials, long before Agent Orange was used in Vietnam at concentrations going way over manufacturer's directions, to NEVER use TCDD dioxin, ".... the most highly toxic substance known to man" -- reaching far into the environment after release and capable of persisting for untold decades. "In 1967, seventeen Noble Laureates and 5,000 other scientists signed a petition asking for the immediate end to the use of herbicides in Vietnam." "The Pentagon not only ignored all those scientists' dire warnings, it ordered TCDD dioxin to be sprayed for many more years in toxic concentrations which were hundreds of times over the EPA Environmental Protection Agency safety limits....." "More than 45 million litres (12.1 million U.S. gallons) of AO were used from 1962-1970 in Vietnam. The concentrations were some 20 times normal agricultural use for killing plants." "It defoliated millions of acres of forests and farmland. Large tracts of that land remain degraded and unproductive to this day. The chemical dioxin (TCDD) in Agent Orange can remain toxic in the soil for decades." https://www.aspeninstitute.org/programs/agent-orange-in-vietnam-program/what-is-agent-orange/ About The Aspen Institute: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/about/ -- View spraying missions in Vietnam by date and location, 1961 - 1971: http://www.chicagotribune.com/chi-091204-agentorange-map-htmlstory.html "Pentagon ignored Agent Orange warnings" http://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20130915/OPINION/309150332 About Seacoastonline: https://www.seacoastonline.com/ownership "Doing the Science...." "Figuring out what the dioxin contaminant in Agent Orange has done to humans has involved dedicated scientists here and abroad in an investigation lasting decades. " http://www.agentorangerecord.com/information/what_is_dioxin/studies_and_conference_reports1/ About AgentOrangeRecord: http://www.agentorangerecord.com/about_aor/about/ |
Most horrifically, I learned that the incredibly-deadly AO
defoliant component TCDD was a Monsanto "accidental" manufacturing by-product which could have been easily BLOCKED during production .... by methods known at least seven (7) years before the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident triggered mass US troop deployment .... "Agent Orange, Herbicides, and TCDD Explained" https://www.hillandponton.com/agent-orange-herbicides-tcdd-explained/ About Hilland Ponton: https://www.hillandponton.com/about-us/ and .... the defoliation program was reported by the military as counter-productive to the war effort at least four (4) years before it was ordered stopped. "As early as 1957, the company knew that dioxin could be eliminated by lowering the temperature and slowing the manufacturing process .... " "But eliminating dioxin would delay production and reduce company profits ...." "Even after military analysis revealed in 1967 that the defoliation program did not advance the war and, conversely, may have been counterproductive by turning peasants who lost their crops against the US and toward Viet Cong, our government continued using the chemical weapon until 1971...." http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/2592-chemical-warfare-agent-orange About TruthOut: http://www.truth-out.org/about-us |
It has been estimated, that if all American veteran Agent Orange
deaths were included on the Vietnam Memorial Wall today, it would need to be at least eight times longer .... Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall: http://www.thewall-usa.com/information.asp |
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that some
2.6 million Americans who served during the Vietnam War era were (NEEDLESSLY) exposed to the (ALWAYS-KNOWN-DEADLY) AO defoliant manufacturing by-product called TCDD ..... "The herbicide has been linked to health problems including Parkinson’s Disease, peripheral neuropathy, and various cancers, yet many Vietnam veterans and their families continue to struggle in their fight for health benefits." Are you a Vietnam veteran or a family member of a veteran? "Help us investigate the impact of Agent Orange by filling out short, confidential survey. " https://www.propublica.org/podcast/item/why-were-investigating-the-impact-of-agent-orange About ProPublica: https://www.propublica.org/about/ "Follow the Money -- The Ongoing Agent Orange Curse" Includes information for participating in second and third generation AO birth defect studies: http://ourimaginalcells.info/follow-the-money-ongoing-agent-orange-curse.html |
TODAY .... "Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned to Repeat It." -- George Santayana CONNECTING THE DOTS: "US Government Collusion with Toxic Chemical Industry" "This resource consists of more than 20,000 pieces of regulatory agency correspondence and documents over nearly a century, and they show that regulators and the industry not only knew how toxic their products were but also worked together to keep the public from finding out about it ....." "The library ... lays out a 40-year history of deceit and collusion involving the chemical industry and the regulatory agencies that were supposed to be protecting human health and the environment,” said Peter von Stackelberg, a journalist who along with the Center for Media and Democracy and the Bioscience Resource Project helped put the collection online. https://bioscienceresource.org/?s=poison+papers https://www.poisonpapers.org/the-poison-papers/ http://www.gmo.news/2017-10-27-check-out-the-poison-papers-website-that-has-collected-thousands-of-documents-on-u-s-government-collusion-with-the-toxic-chemical-industry.html Also See: Debunking Bad Science https://ourimaginalcells.info/debunking-bad-science.html Corruption, Fraud and Greed https://ourimaginalcells.info/corruption-fraud-and-greed.html February 15, 2019 "Monsanto’s Roundup raises the risk of certain cancers in heavily-exposed individuals by an eye-popping 41 percent, according to a study by former EPA advisors..." "Exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup dramatically increases a person’s risk of developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma ...." https://www.rt.com/usa/451504-monsanto-roundup-cancer-study-risk/ About RT: https://www.rt.com/about-us/ "Just released documents show Monsanto Executives colluded with corrupted EPA officials to manipulate scientific data.... regarding KNOWN glyphosate dangers. " http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/poison-business-monsanto-papers-reveal-media-science-and-regulatory-collusion About Jefferey Jaxen: http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/about.html "Recently released court documents reveal what many people have long suspected: Monsanto had a hand in the retraction of a groundbreaking study that left little doubt about the dangers of glyphosate in a prominent food science journal." http://gmwatch.org/en/news/latest-news/17764-uncovered-monsanto-campaign-to-get-seralini-study-retracted About GMWatch: http://gmwatch.org/en/about April, 2019 "EPA ignores mountains of research proving glyphosate’s geno-toxicity" https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-04-07-epa-ignored-scientific-proof-that-monsantos-glyphosate-may-cause-cancer.html See Facts About Glyphosate https://ourimaginalcells.info/facts-about-glyphosate.html Bottom line: Glyphosate cancer facts were kept hidden from public for decades. Monsanto's Roundup glyphosate herbicide, which was first approved for use in the 1970s, and as of 2010 labelled for use in 130 countries, HAS NO CREDIBLE TEST EVIDENCE to support over four decades of adamant claims that glyphosate is safe and cannot cause cancer. "Documents show Monsanto executives colluding with corrupted EPA officials to ...... manipulate and bury scientific data to kill studies when preliminary data threatened Monsanto's commercial ambitions ..... bribing scientists and ghostwriting their publications, and purchasing peer review........ to conceal information about Roundup's (glyphosate) carcinogenicity, its toxicity, its rapid absorption by the human body, and its horrendous risks to public health and the environment." Sound familiar .......? "They [Monsanto] have been telling everybody that these products are safe because regulators have said they are safe, but it turns out that Monsanto has been in bed with U.S. regulators while misleading European regulators." August, 2017 https://www.ecowatch.com/monsanto-papers-2467891575.html About EcoWatch: https://www.ecowatch.com/about-ecowatch-1886104674.html This gets much worse: "Is Roundup Killing Humanity ?" The Still Report, 2674 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCBTla7V4-M (5 minutes) About Bill Still: https://www.youtube.com/user/bstill3/about December 31, 2018 "Independent research confirms that rampant glyphosate use has contributed to the increase in chronic diseases worldwide": https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-12-31-glyphosate-use-has-contributed-to-the-rise-of-chronic-disease.html About NaturalNews / Mike Adams, Scientist: http://www.naturalnews.com/About.html Monsanto's carcinogenic glyphosate has worked its way into GMO's, popular food products for children, and many vaccines ..... "......The results showed that a DTap vaccine, a flu vaccine, a Hepatitis B vaccine, and a pneumonoccal vaccine all had levels of glyphosate. The MMR II vaccine had carcinogenic levels up to twenty-five times higher than the other vaccines." September, 2016 https://web.archive.org/web/20180817182409/http://www.anh-usa.org/glyphosate-in-vaccines-as-well-as-food/ About ANH (Alliance for Natural Health): http://www.anh-usa.org/about-2/overview/ "Merck Pneumovax 23 (for pneumonia) has now been identified as having glyphosate contamination. He also found other vaccines similarly contaminated. MMR II (for measles, mumps, and rubella) , MMRV, and Zostervax (for shingles) were also found to contain glyphosate." October, 2016 https://www.drbrownstein.com/more-shocking-vaccine-news-common-vaccines-contaminated-with-glyphosate/ https://www.drbrownstein.com/more-vaccines-contaminated-with-weed-killer/ About Dr. David Brownstein: https://www.drbrownstein.com/about-drbrownstein/ "Why Are Childhood Cancer Rates on the Rise?" By Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D. https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/childhood-cancer-rates-video/ About TruthAboutCancer: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/about-us/ See What's Happened to Our Children? https://ourimaginalcells.info/whats-happened-to-our-children.html ALERT !!! As with many other, very serious, "not-tested for safety" vaccine issues .... vaccine package inserts acknowledge that our country's vaccines are NOT tested for cancer potential ..... Although common vaccines contain several recognized carcinogens. neurotoxins, and and fertility impairment agents such as Polysorbate-80, a search on vaccine package inserts for 'carcinogenic' (cancer causing) typically yields this alarming statement for childhood mandated vaccines: “....This vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility." Find vaccine package inserts here: http://vactruth.com/vaccine-inserts/ About VacTruth: http://vactruth.com/about/ "How is Autism like Agent Orange? Here is the Story...." "One of the key figures in the MMR vaccine cover up described in August, 2014 by the latest CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, is the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Dr. Colleen Boyle." "Boyle's seminal career coup at the CDC was orchestrating the cover up of Agent Orange and dioxin toxicity in the 1970s. Boyle's handiwork deprived thousands of Vietnam veterans of health benefits until her fraud was uncovered and exposed in comprehensive investigations by Congress and the Institute of Medicine (IOM)." "Instead of punishing Boyle for the confirmed corruption and scientific fraud, the CDC rewarded her with a powerful directorship ....." "From that platform, Boyle has managed CDC's cover up of confirmed vaccine-autism connection." http://www.ageofautism.com/2013/09/agent-orange-corporatism-government-coleen-boyle-and-autism.html About AgeOfAutism: http://www.ageofautism.com/a-welcome-from-dan-olmste.html "Why Are the Same People Who Failed at Science on Agent Orange in Charge of Vaccine Safety and Developmental Disorders at CDC?" March 2, 2018 https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-are-the-same-people-who-failed-at-science-on-agent-orange-in-charge-of-vaccine-safety-and-developmental-disorders-at-the-cdc_2456165.html About TheEpochTimes: https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-us "Glyphosate’s undeniable connection to autism ...." https://www.monsanto.news/2019-03-22-glyphosates-undeniable-connection-to-autism.html About NaturalNews: http://www.naturalnews.com/About.html See Evidence of Safety and Efficacy .... ? https://ourimaginalcells.info/evidence-of-safety-and-efficacy.html See WHERE is the Science .... ???? https://ourimaginalcells.info/where-is-the-science.html "Our current generation of children is in the final phase of the largest vaccine experiment in human history .... and there are no Pharma or CDC safety research control groups." August 8, 2017 US Parental Rights Attorney: “We are in a war to be good parents against our own government” About Jefferey Jaxen: http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/about.html H.R.3615 - Vaccine Safety Study Act introduced July, 2017 Check current H.R.3615 status (bills on vaccine safety have typically stalled): https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3615/all-info Examples of corrupted and dysfunctional health agencies: http://ourimaginalcells.info/corrupted-agencies.html |
It has never appeared more imperative to defend our basic human right for informed medical consent ..... the option to say "NO", to any type of medical intervention with perceived personal risk greater than confirmed health benefits. At a minimum, our public should have the right to consider any safer and more effective ways for true, life-long immunization against serious disease which many be found outside a perceived- corrupted Pharma-CDC system. Note: After a state legislature mandates Pharma vaccines via laws such as SB277 in California, it will not be possible to conduct comparison studies regarding long term health results between the non-vaccinated versus Pharma-vaccinated, in order to confirm that a Pharma vaccine is in FACT, both effective and safe. -- Such studies in other countries have raised many red flags, indicating that non-vaccinated children are significantly healthier than the vaccinated. See Safer, More Effective Vaccination Alternatives http://ourimaginalcells.info/vaccination-alternatives.html "The potential for disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." April, 2016 http://healthimpactnews.com/2016/n-y-law-professor-addresses-u-n-on-government-vaccine-policies-violating-the-nuremberg-code/ About Mary Holland: http://www.law.nyu.edu/graduateaffairs/graduatelawyering/facultybios "From Nuremberg to California: Why Informed Consent Matters in the 21st Century." ".... There is no guarantee that vaccination WILL protect a person from getting an infection with or without symptoms AND/OR transmitting it to others ...." http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/October-2017/why-informed-consent-matters-in-21st-century.aspx About NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center): http://www.nvic.org/about.aspx See Our Vanishing Right to Informed Medical Consent http://ourimaginalcells.info/vanishing-informed-consent-what-to-do.html |
“We're being played ....”
"The whole point of astroturf is to try to convince you there’s widespread support for or against an agenda when there’s not." 'Astroturf Epidemic' February 6, 2017; By 5-time Emmy Award winner Investigative Journalist Sharyl Attkisson: https://sharylattkisson.com/astroturf-epidemic/ About Sharyl Attkisson: https://sharylattkisson.com/about/ "...So effective are these tactics that even when the victims are told what is happening, and they make some show of being outraged, they nevertheless allow it to continue..." 'GOTCHA! The Subordination of Free Will' July, 2015 http://www.amazon.com/Gotcha-Subordination-Free-Eldon-Taylor/dp/1620002361/ About Dr. Eldon Taylor: http://www.eldontaylor.com/about.html |
NOW ....
.... When I observe any health-related news that appears to be blacked out by Big-Interest-supported Mainstream Media, I make it a special point, to investigate that information ASAP -- confirming reliable references before recording and passing those web links along to anyone else who might benefit. .... My hope, is that this information will motivate others to do their own research to help make better-informed decisions, before there may no longer be a choice. Namaste! https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-29229/what-does-namaste-actually-mean.html |