Updated 04/27/19
Deficiency Home Tests
Vitamin D at serum level:
"Think of vitamin D levels like cholesterol levels"
"It would be much easier if there were a magic number that worked for everyone, but there isn't. Instead, think of your vitamin D level like your cholesterol - this will help you expertly manage it." "Like cholesterol... not everyone has the same level. You can't predict by height, weight, diet, or supplementation what your level will be. You need to test." "Like cholesterol... if the test did not come back with your desired result you need to make a change. For cholesterol, that might be diet and exercise. For vitamin D, it is likely to be more sun, supplements, or vitamin D rich foods." -- Order your Home Vitamin D Test today to find current serum level; 40-60 ng/ml is recommended by scientist panel: http://www.grassrootshealth.net/ About GrassRootsHealth: https://grassrootshealth.net/?post_projects=about-us |
Omega-3 blood levels:
How do we know, if we're omega-3 deficient?
If our doctor does not yet provide this important test we can buy a home test kit used in conjunction with a reputable blood lab. Here are two home kits for testing Omega-3 deficiency: https://www.zonediet.com/product/omega-3-fish-oil/cellular-inflammation/ http://www.lef.org/Vitamins-Supplements/ItemLCOMEGA/Omega-Score-Blood-Test.html |
Magnesium at intracellular level:
"Most doctors do not understand the difference between a serum magnesium
and a red cell magnesium, and so they only test blood serum: A Magnesium RBC test can provide an earlier indicator of magnesium deficiency that a standard magnesium blood test. When levels are low, the body will pull magnesium from the cells to keep blood levels normal..... In this case a magnesium blood serum test may show normal levels while a magnesium RBC test at intracellular levels will give a more accurate result." Get home test for Red Cell Magnesium Level: http://requestatest.com/magnesium-rbc-testing About RequestATest: http://requestatest.com/about-us Note that there are many different forms of magnesium these days, and each one serves a different purpose: gylcinate; highest levels of absorption for deficiency correction -- 300-500 mg recommended daily chloride / lactate only12% magnesium; heartburn, stomach upset carbonate; 45% magnesium; antacid citrate; laxative properties oxide; 60% magnesium; stool softening sulfate / hydroxide (milk of magnesia); laxative taurate; contains calming amino acid threonate; penetrates mitochondrial membrane "Magnesium glycinate is a chelated form of magnesium that tends to provide the highest levels of absorption and bio-availability and is typically considered ideal for those who are trying to correct a deficiency." "....Magnesium threonate is a newer, emerging type of magnesium supplement that appears promising, primarily due to its superior ability to penetrate the mitochondrial membrane, and may be the best magnesium supplement on the market." http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/12/17/magnesium-benefits.aspx#_edn2 About Dr. Joseph Mercola: http://www.mercola.com/forms/background.htm Find more information at: http://ourimaginalcells.info/food--supplement-discoveries.html |