Updated 03/21/19
"Follow the Money: Ongoing Legacy of the Agent Orange Curse"
"The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that some 2.6 million Americans who served during the Vietnam War era were exposed to a chemical mixture known as Agent Orange.... The herbicide has been linked to health problems including Parkinson’s Disease, peripheral neuropathy, and even some cancers, yet many Vietnam veterans – and their families – continue to struggle in their fight for health benefits." Are you a Vietnam veteran or a family member of a veteran? "Help us investigate the impact of Agent Orange by filling out our short, confidential survey. " https://www.propublica.org/podcast/item/why-were-investigating-the-impact-of-agent-orange Despite government knowledge of serious Agent Orange hazards long before the Vietnam War even began, impacted veterans were told for over three decades after the war ended, that AO exposure could only cause temporary skin rash..... Finally, the devastating truth could not be held back: It has been estimated, that if all American AO "reported" deaths were included on the Vietnam Memorial Wall today, it would need to be at least eight times longer .... Links to dozens of current articles: https://www.propublica.org/series/reliving-agent-orange About ProPublica: https://www.propublica.org/about/ Current VA List of Veterans' Diseases Associated with Agent Orange: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/conditions/index.asp “The particular dioxin found in Agent Orange (TCDD) is the one of the most toxic environmental contaminants, found to cause cancer, birth defects and disruptions to the immune and endocrine systems.” http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/2592-chemical-warfare-agent-orange "More than 45 million litres (12.1 million U.S. gallons) of it were used from 1962-1970 in Vietnam. The concentrations were some 20 times normal agricultural use for killing plants." "It defoliated millions of acres of forests and farmland. Large tracts of that land remain degraded and unproductive to this day. The chemical dioxin (TCDD) in Agent Orange can remain toxic in the soil for decades." See: "What is Agent Orange?" https://www.aspeninstitute.org/programs/agent-orange-in-vietnam-program/what-is-agent-orange/ About The Aspen Institute: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/about/ "Frustrated vets summarize the VA’s position this way: 'Delay, deny, wait till I die.' ” December, 2016 https://www.propublica.org/article/rethinking-the-cost-of-war https://www.propublica.org/article/propublica-files-lawsuit-seeking-va-correspondence-related-to-agent-orange https://www.propublica.org/series/reliving-agent-orange About ProPublica: https://www.propublica.org/about/ Military veterans and / or civilians may not be aware of personal Agent Orange exposure which can still impact the health of their own children or grandchildren. (Exposed parents might not have visible health issues; DNA damage can skip a generation, etc.). -- Vietnam was not the only geographical location experiencing TCDD toxin fallout. Here are official lists of other Agent Orange exposure sites: Inside the US ... https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/tests-storage/usa.asp Outside the US ... https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/tests-storage/outside-vietnam.asp Other possibilities ... http://www.cbs5az.com/story/14906593/valley-veteran-blows-whistle-on-burial-of-agent-orange “Agent Orange endangered U.S. Air Force workers long after Vietnam” http://www.reuters.com/article/usa-military-agentorange-idUSL1N0UO1QS20150109 -- AO exposure is possible even if never in the military, or present at the above locations during 1961 – 1971 before TCDD application was banned: DNA-damaging TCDD dioxins traveled invisibly many miles away from application and test sites, and have persisted in those environments for decades (drinking water, food, animals, fish)........ impacting unsuspecting civilians and military even today. “Dioxins are slow to break down, so they persist in people’s bodies and in the environment.” http://www.newswise.com/articles/study-shows-agent-orange-contamination-of-food-in-vietnamese-city |
Agent Orange hazards were known long before Vietnam War began:
".....The chemical manufacturers, including Dow, were in dialogue with the U.S. government regarding the potential hazards in production workers beginning as early as 1949 and continuing through the 1960s," Dow spokesman Peter Paul van de Wijs said in a written response.” http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/health/chi-agent-orange-dioxindec17-story.html “...Over 5,000 American scientists signed a petition in 1964 protesting the use of chemical warfare agents in Vietnam” "Pentagon ignored Agent Orange warnings" ..... and then INCREASED application. http://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20130915/OPINION/309150332 http://www.agentorangerecord.com/information/what_is_dioxin/studies_and_conference_reports1/ Inconceivably: The devastating, toxic time bomb still targeting unaware present and future generations WAS ALWAYS AVOIDABLE in the Agent Orange defoliant: “....as early as 1957, four years before AO defoliant use in Vietnam, the company knew that its “exceptionally toxic” dioxin / TCDD component was a manufacturing by-product which could be eliminated by lowering the temperature and slowing the manufacturing process. But eliminating the unnecessary dioxin component would delay production and reduce company profits when wartime production called for rapid, high-quantity manufacture.” “Even after military analysis revealed in 1967 that the defoliation program did NOT advance the war and, conversely, may have been counterproductive by turning peasants who lost their crops against the US and toward the Viet Cong, the government continued using the chemical weapon.” http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/2592-chemical-warfare-agent-orange -- Research indicated that even minuscule amounts of Agent Orange components were capable of passing down severely damaged human DNA to our second and third generations (at least). TODAY: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-01-08-new-data-suggests-agent-orange-causing-horrific-third-generation-birth-defects-vietnam-vets-are-passing-to-their-grandkids.html About Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/About.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2613038/40-years-Agent-Orange-heartbreaking-pictures-babies-Vietnam-born-horrific-defects.html HELP US INVESTIGATE THE IMPACT OF AGENT ORANGE Are you a veteran of the Vietnam War, the child of a veteran, or a family member? Please participate in these important surveys: https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/item/vietnam-veterans-agent-orange-propublica-investigate “Approximately 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities and a half million children born with birth defects.” 2008–2009 ANNUAL REPORT PRESIDENT’S CANCER PANEL, Page 78 https://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/advisory/pcp/annualReports/pcp08-09rpt/PCP_Report_08-09_508.pdf "Significant numbers of our own Vietnam veterans have children and grandchildren with birth defects related to exposure to Agent Orange ....." "To alert legislators and the media to this ongoing legacy of the war, we are seeking real stories about real people. If you wish to share your family’s health struggles that you believe are due to Agent Orange /dioxin, send an email to mporter@vva.org or call 301-585-4000, Ext. 146." https://vva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Mekdeci031610.pdf About VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America): https://vva.org/who-we-are/ More information on studies: http://www.birthdefects.org/veterans-research/ -- "It is the war that will not end. It is the war that continues to stalk and claim its victims decades after the last shots were fired...." The Agent "I am the reminder. I am a herald of sorrow and anguish. Pain and misery precede me on my appointed rounds. I collect on debts owed. I am the keeper of receipts. My list of diagnosis grows. I grow. I am the Agent. Through the years my disguises are many. The result is the same. I am irresistible, unstoppable, though once preventable, now terminal. Final. Look here to the dark angel of a generation misguided and mismanaged. I am the way to this inglorious and undeserved end. I have the last word. I am the Agent. I am the instrument of early demise ongoing. I am a corrupter of men's ideal and intentions. I am the Agent. Some will escape me. Not many. All will know of me. I know whom I have gotten and who yet remains. I have the last word. I am the Agent. I am dioxin. I am Agent Orange." -- P.L. Norton, USMC 68-69 Vietnam Veteran The Story of Agent Orange: U.S. Veteran Dispatch Staff Report, November 1990 Issue; Eleventh Armored Calvary: http://11thcavnam.com/main/story_of_agent_orange.htm http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/ehs/newscience/2014/mar/vietnamese-men-dioxin-exposure/ https://www.thenation.com/article/lethal-legacy-vietnam-war/ http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/International_War_Crimes/ToxicInjustice_AgentOrange.html "Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned to Repeat It" -- George Santayana Bottom Line: FOLLOW THE MONEY "Monsanto's Agent Orange: The Persistent Ghost from the Vietnam War" https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/many-veterans-suffering-diseases-linked-agent-orange-still-cant-get-disability-compensation About OCA (Organic Consumer's Association): https://www.organicconsumers.org/about-oca "Monsanto’s Deep Legacy of Corruption and Cover-Up" "...The truth is that this company has a legacy of contamination and cover-up that dates back more than a century." http://naturalsociety.com/monsantos-deep-legacy-of-corruption-and-cover-up/ About Natural Society: http://naturalsociety.com/about/ "The secret history of Monsanto, Agent Orange and the mutilation of innocent Vietnamese" http://www.naturalnews.com/032987_Agent_Orange_Monsanto.html About Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/About.html CURRENT EVENTS: Genetically Engineered Products: "How Monsanto Rigged the System: through Politics & Propaganda.... A profit-enhancing policy trumps public safety & scientific integrity" November, 2016 "......the biotech industry rigged the game so that neither science nor scientists would stand in their way." Exhibit C: Forty thousand secret internal FDA documents dating back to 1991 ..... "......reveal agency malfeasance; politically appointed administrators had covered up the extensive warnings of the FDA’s own scientists and lied about the facts." "....They bypassed the required formal testing and approval process to license novel Genetically Engineered products onto the market in violation of explicit mandates of federal food safety law." https://allianceforbiointegrity.wordpress.com/index-key-fda-documents-revealing-1-hazards-of-genetically-engineered-foods-and-2-flaws-with-how-the-agency-made-its-policy/ http://ahrp.org/a-profit-enhancing-policy-shift-trumps-public-safety-scientific-integrity/ About AHRP (Alliance for Human Resource Protection): https://ahrp.org/about/ "How is Autism like Agent Orange? Here is the Story": http://www.ageofautism.com/2013/09/agent-orange-corporatism-government-coleen-boyle-and-autism.html ALERT: "Last month (October, 2016), The Hill published a letter sent by 'more than a dozen' senior Center for Disease Control (CDC) scientists charging the agency with nursing an atmosphere of pervasive research fraud ...." http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/301432-the-cdc-is-being-being-influenced-by-corporate-and-political November 21, 2016 https://www.ecowatch.com/cdc-corruption-robert-kennedy-jr-2096438139.html |