Updated 05/24/18
Now for the Really Good News :-)
Today we have numerous, clinically confirmed, safe and practical alternatives
to using drugs for handling attention focusing issues, regardless of age...
https://bebrainfit.com/dha-supplements-brain/ ".....There are different kinds of attention that must be exercised if a student is to learn successfully: These are sustained attention, selective attention, and divided attention skills. These skills can be identified, measured, and trained." "....Strengthening weak attention skills usually results in dramatic improvement in behaviors typically associated with ADD or ADHD..." http://www.learningrx.com/attention-issues-in-children.htm Some A, B, C's for understanding our attention focusing ability: A. Frequent attention lapses may be normal... Evidently we lose focus fairly often during the day, and there is increasing evidence that a focusing abnormality does not exist in over 90% of today's diagnosed cases. Read More on normal attention lapses..... http://www.ourimaginalcells.info/frequent-attention-lapses-may-be-normal.html B. There is no consensus on what 'paying attention' really means... Most experts seem to agree that lack of focus is a real problem only if or when this significantly interferes with our daily life. Read More on what paying attention really means..... http://www.ourimaginalcells.info/no-consensus-on-what-paying-attention-means.html C. Some experts contend attention deficit disorder characteristics are a 'gift'... requiring training and support, instead of today's temporary coping medications.... "There is a real concern that today's drugs can diminish or destroy desirable traits." " As an international speaker on the topic, Dr. Kevin Ross Emery was among the first to publicly acknowledge ADD as a step forward in the evolution of humanity that will eventually allow humanity to reach new levels of achievement...." "The world would be a lot different if Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci were given ADD medication to make them 'normal'.... The world may never have learned about relativity, had Albert Einstein been prescribed psychiatric medicine." "Could you be Medicating your Talents Away?" http://www.mydrkevin.com/could-you-be-medicating-your-talents-away/blog-75/#.UrT3x7rTnIU About Dr. Kevin Ross Emery: http://www.mydrkevin.com/about-dr-kevin/ "I don’t see it as a disorder at all. I see it as a brain with a different way of doing things. Their brains are not wrong. They are different. And in many ways, they are better." ADD Success Stories by Thom Hartmann: "...demonstrated ADD can be a curse if not guided properly, but a great characteristic when allowed to thrive." Hartmann's Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception "....sparked a national debate, both in the psychology/psychiatry community and among the general public, on ADD/ADHD and neurological differences ranging from giftedness to autism..." About Thom Hartmann: http://www.thomhartmann.com/thom D. Gaining good mental focus does not require 'coping' medication... Answers to these questions can help resolve focus issues without effecting the wonderful, wandering intelligence of those gifted with ADHD and ADD. Today, mental weaknesses can be seen as physical systems in need of training. The brain's discovered ability to adapt and grow -- reorganizing neural pathways and even creating new ones -- is called 'neuroplasticity'. "...The power of neuroscience-based Neurofeedback is that it sits at the intersection of Medicine, Psychiatry and Psychology, but isn’t owned by any of these fields. So today it isn’t taught at Medical School, Psychology faculty, or Psychiatry specialist training." "....Although individual practitioners have been carrying out Neurofeedback in increasing numbers in the USA, Canada, continental Europe and Australia, it is still relatively unheard of in these countries, and not quite mainstream...." http://www.braintrainuk.com/top-10-questions/ California centers with emphasis on brain training: Comprehensive, "challenged" learning evaluation in Sacramento, California... Linda Mood Bell http://www.lindamoodbell.com/learning-centers/testing/ "Welcome to Northern California Neurotherapy, where we use state-of-the-art technology to optimize the function of your brain." "If you are an adult or you have a child who is experiencing any of the problems listed below, we are here to help you with diagnosis and treatment". Northern California Neurotherapy: http://norcalneurotherapy.com/ Read More on gaining good mental focus without drugs..... http://www.ourimaginalcells.info/training-works-better-than-coping-drugs.html E. Food for thought -- we really are what we eat... " Our brains are affected by what we eat much more so than you probably imagine." "The more omega-3s we can get to the brain, the better it will function and the better kids will be able to focus," ......says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It. "These years are critical for brain development, and what they eat affects focus and cognitive skills," ......says psychiatrist Drew Ramsey, MD, coauthor of The Happiness Diet. The following 10 foods can help kids stay sharp all day long, and affect brain development well into the future..." http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/features/brain-foods-kids ".... the right foods also can provide the perfect fuel to improve memory." "Get a Memory Boost from Food" By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH posted 12/29/2013 http://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-living/food-and-your-memory.aspx?pos=1&xid=nl_EverydayHealthHealthyLiving_20131229 Read More on food for thought..... http://www.ourimaginalcells.info/food-for-thought-we-really-are-what-we-eat.html |