Updated 06/10/18
1) The ARC worksheet minimal plant requirements can
result in unnecessary irrigation use, because DG 6.2
definitions for minimal plant (50%) and maximum
bark (50%) plantable areas are not appropriately
EXAMPLE #1 Using the ARC worksheet definition for Area Requiring Planting = 100% PA after deducting rocks, boulders, existing plants. Where PA (Plantable Area) = 200 SF, existing plant area = 100 SF (= 50% PA) boulders = 0, decor rock = 0 PA = 200 SF Subtract boulders (max 5% PA) = 0 SF Subtract decor rock (max 25% PA) = 0 SF Subtract existing plant SF at maturity = 100 SF Remaining PA = "Area Requiring Plants" = 100 SF The Checklist #19 worksheet next instructs us to use this definition of ARP to calculate required minimal quantity of plants at 8 plants per each 100 SF. We are being told to add 8 more plants to this yard area -- even though, as seen on the above worksheet data, the DG 6.2 minimal Area Requiring Planting = 50% PA coverage goal has already been met. If there are ZERO existing plants, this worksheet will instruct us to fill 100% of PA = 200 SF with 8 plants per each 100 SF = 16 plants. This formula can significantly exceed the DG 50% PA coverage goal more often than not, since roughly 80% of all shrubs and ground cover plants under 5' tall listed in our DG Appendix A will each cover at least 7 SF of PA, resulting in minimum 56 SF of plants per each 100 SF of PA (already 6 SF over the goal) -- and potentially much more according to plant variety. Depending on lot size, this strategy can add many unnecessary plants to the front yards of unwary homeowners. The ARC-worksheet-mandated number of plant container sizes per DG 6.1 tables, can also technically have more to do with pricing than current plant size: -- every plant on my lot is available in one-gallon or 5-gallon containers; -- one-gallon plants are not necessarily smaller than five-gallon plants; this depends on plant variety and nursery re-potting strategy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE #2 -- a better way? Using the DG 6.2 definition for Area Requiring Planting = 50% PA before deducting rocks, boulders, existing plants. Where PA (Plantable Area) = 200 SF, existing plant area = 100 SF (= 50% PA) boulders = 0, decor rock = 0 A. Calculate how much yard area still needs to be planted for minimal DG goal: PA = 200 SF ARP "Area Requiring Plants" = 50% PA = 100 SF Subtract existing plant SF at maturity = 100 SF Total ARP Remaining = 0 SF -- When "Total ARP Remaining" is less than or equal to 0 SF, NO more plants are REQUIRED to meet DG minimum SF goal; "Required Additional Plant Area" SF = 0 (We can remove all excess plant SF to conserve irrigation.) -- When "Total ARP Remaining" is greater than 0 SF, then, this amount is the "Required Additional Plant Area" SF that we MUST use for more plants, per DG 6.2 B. Calculate how much yard area is leftover for optional plants and/ or bark: PA = 200 SF Subtract boulders (max 5% PA) = 0 SF Subtract decor rock (max 25% PA) = 0 SF Subtract existing plant SF at maturity = 100 SF Subtract "Required Additional Plant Area" = 0 SF Remaining PA = "Optional Plants and/or Bark" = 100 SF Here, we are NOT required to provide landscape irrigation for the remaining 100 SF, as automatically indicated above in Example #1. When there are ZERO existing plants, the required minimum PA SF to be covered = 100 SF; the remaining PA 100 SF can then be filled with approved bark. |
2) Mandating 8 plants in each 100 SF of total PA has
a potential for significant root crowding and irrigation
waste more often than not ....
and presents conundrums for the "integrated design
solution" for landscapes as specified in DG 6.1.1
through DG 6.1.11 .....
Areas A and B currently total 31 plants; only 21 are needed to meet the 50% PA coverage goal*.... But, if I were contemplating all new landscaping, the ARC worksheets dictate using six times that minimal number: 1548 PA SF x 8 plants /100 SF = 124 plants The above design drawing can 'clearly show' a DG 6.1 ARC approval process, that using as many as124 plants EXCEEDS the DG-required 50% PA coverage. HOWEVER, this diagram does not 'clearly show' how I might REDUCE irrigation by removing two Area A plants and eight Area B plants, and still achieve the 50% PA coverage goal*. ...... During my recent ARC approval cycle with the above design diagram (dutifully up-scaled to 1/8" = 1.0' from my purchase plan design diagram 1" = 10'), it was suggested that I consider paying $50 for the HOA Certificate of Compliance to confirm that my existing front yard has met the required 50% PA coverage. (Current ARC project involved only the side yard). Put another way: If my 27 'existing' minus 8 'extra' = 19 plants can satisfy the 50% PA coverage goal in Area B, then logically, 100% of Area B can physically accommodate 38 similar plants**. If ZERO existing plants were to remain in Area B and I had no interest in limiting my landscape to 50% PA ..... the Checklist #19 landscape agent relying on the ARC-required summary worksheet totals could tell me / an unwary homeowner that, 'Area B needs 109 new plants'. 1410.5 PA - 15 boulders - 33 decor rock = 1362.5 SF 1362.5 SF x 8 plants / 100 SF = 109 plants -- The ARC-required worksheet has nearly tripled the number of plants of my preferred variety**, that can be physically accommodated in 100% of Area B plantable area PA at maturity ..... presenting substantial risk for unhealthy / destructive root crowding and unnecessary water waste. ** My plant varieties are based on vole, rabbit, drought, and freeze tolerance; results will of course vary for each homeowner, depending on lot size and chosen plants. * See all plant SF detail on my project worksheets: https://ourimaginalcells.info/my-project-worksheets.html |
3) Our plant growth data from DG Appendix A was used
in the past to support healthy landscapes and water
conservation while meeting DG minimal plant coverage
HOWEVER: There are currently no ARC landscape approval worksheets ..... or instructions .... or suggestions .... for taking advantage of the expected plant growth data in the DG Appendix A, Acceptable Plant and Tree List, and available from local nurseries and Internet landscape sites. Even though ..... the Checklist #19 - proposed landscape agent for constructing the ARC required-up-scaled design drawing for our yard is technically unable to do so without such data, and, our required Checklist #19 Plant & Tree List detail must identify every tree, shrub or ground cover plant in each plantable area on our lot. |